Thank you for watching the Improvement Through Self-Management: Establishing A Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program webinar! After you successfully complete the evaluation and the reflective questions, you will access your certificate of completion. All CEs have expired 6/30/24. Thanks again!

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* 1. Last Name

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. Discipline

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* 5. Organization Name

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* 6. Zip Code


Question Title

* 8. Did the presentation style of the speaker(s) contributed to my learning experience?

Question Title

* 9. Was the course style and activities beneficial to your learning?

Question Title

* 10. Was the information provided in this course applicable to your job?

Question Title

* 11. I will be able to apply what I learned on the job immediately using scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (absolutely).

Question Title

* 12. Did this educational activity meet your expectations as outlined in the course description?

Question Title

* 13. Give a star rating for your overall experience with this course from 1 (low) to 5 (high).

Question Title

* 14. Please provide any feedback or suggestions you may have.