Please answer all questions in detail, in the specified language.

Thanks for your interest in Vámonos Spanish Center. I am looking to add 1 additional part-time teacher to the team.  A teaching cert. is not a must, but at least 1 year of experience teaching Spanish is needed. You should have experience working with adults, be familiar with the immersion method, and have advanced knowledge of Spanish grammar. 

Please note that this is part-time position (8-10 hours to start) and involves some training from Apr-Jun. Upon reviewing the information below and past employment experience, I will reach out to schedule an interview if you are a fit.


Vámonos Spanish Center
Amanda Reichert

Question Title

* 1. What is your full name and email address?

Question Title

* 2. Please describe in detail your teaching experience, including ages of students, group vs private, roll in the classroom,  teaching method, grades/levels taught, and any other pertinent information.

Question Title

* 3. Favor de escribir con mucha detalle su experiencia con 'inmersión' como método de enseñanza.

Question Title

* 4. How did you acquire Spanish? Please describe in detail your level of knowledge of Spanish grammar. (Native speakers- please elaborate on acquisition
of grammar in an academic setting.)

Question Title

* 5. Where are you currently employed, and what is your roll there? 

Question Title

* 6. What qualities do you possess that will make you successful teaching Spanish to adults with the immersion method?

Question Title

* 7. Cuáles son algunas actividades/juegos que usted ha usado con estudiantes en el salón de clase?

Question Title

* 8. Por qué está interesad@ en esa posición?

Question Title

* 9. Cuál es su experiencia con/conocimiento de los países hispanohablantes, en relación a sus culturas y variaciones del idioma?

Question Title

* 10. Please upload a current resume.

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