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Question Title

* 1. I understand that participating in this pre-selection survey is optional, and by selecting "Yes" I am giving permission/consent to participate. I understand that a select few will be chosen for an interview and I may be contacted to participate further in the study. I understand that my answers will be kept private and my answers will only be seen by members of the research team. Checking "Yes" to this question is only consent/permission to participate in this pre-selection survey for research purposes.

Question Title

* 2. If selected, are you willing to participate in a 30 minute on-line interview that would be recorded and transcribed for research purposes only. The transcript will be offered for your review.  Each partner would be interviewed separately. Your information will be kept private and your identifying information private unless you choose otherwise. Checking "Yes" implies you are willing to be interviewed but does not obligate you. If selected, you would received an informed consent to sign before the interview.

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* 3. Please enter all the following information which will be used for contact information as well as demographics for the study.

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* 4. What is your current relationship status?  Please read carefully as options indicate type (heterosexual or non-heterosexual) and status 
(engaged, married, cohabitating etc.)

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* 5. What is your birth/assigned or biological sex?

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* 6. What is your gender identity?

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* 7. In your current relationship, are you the spectrum(neurodivergent) spouse/partner or neurotypical (specifically non-autistic) spouse?

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* 8. Is your partner (or ex-partner) on the spectrum or neurotypical?

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* 9. If you identify/believe/think or were diagnosed to be on the autism spectrum, how did you come to this awareness or diagnosis? Choose the one that fits best.

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* 10. If you are identified as on the spectrum, was there any other diagnosis you received prior to suspicion or identification of the spectrum? (If you are the NT spouse please choose NA.)

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* 11. For the NT spouse (if you are the ND/AS spouse please check, I am the AS/ND Spouse/Partner), what field did you study or currently work?

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* 12. For the AS/ND partner. (If you are the NT, please choose N/A). At what age was the autism spectrum/neurodivergent identification made in your life?

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* 13. Do you have any biological children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?

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* 14. Do you have any biological children diagnosed or suspected to be on the autism spectrum?

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* 15. Do you have any nieces, nephews, or grandchildren with ADHD/ADD or Autism?

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* 16. How do you rate your satisfaction with your relationship ? If you are widowed answer what you felt for the majority of the marriage/relationship.

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* 17. What are the current living arrangements with your current spouse/partner? IF divorced check divorced. If widowed check the status that applied when your partner was alive.

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* 18. Many ND couples have encountered disagreement or relationship discontent in the following areas. Please check all that apply/applied (please answer even if separated, widowed or divorced).

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* 19. Please choose the top 5 issues that are/were the most challenging to the relationship

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* 20. Do you consider yourself a person of faith and/or spiritual?

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* 21. Do you identity with a faith tradition? If not, please select the last option that you do not identify with any faith. If you do have a faith tradition, please select what best fits your faith tradition now.

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* 22. If you have a  faith tradition, does it specify roles for men and women? If you do not have a faith tradition, select that you do not have a faith tradition.

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* 23. Does your faith tradition state that the man is the head of the home?

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* 24. Do you believe that spouses/partner should mutually submit to one another?

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* 25. How many years are (or were you) in this neurodiverse relationship?

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* 26. At what point did it seem things changed in your relationship? This can mean your satisfaction with the relationship or when do you feel/think there was a change in connection in the relationship?

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* 27. How many clinicians, counselors, clergy, coaches, or people helpers have you met with or talked about the challenges in your marriage? (Please indicate the total that you, your partner, or jointly have seen to discuss the relationship)

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* 28. How many of your clinicians, counselors, clergy, coaches, etc. were trained in autism or neurodiversity, or neurodiverse marriages/relationships?

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* 29. What was your first introduction to autism/Asperger's or neurodiversity in intimate relationships? (Explanation: This is not when you first heard the term autism/neurodiversity in your lifetime. This is when did someone bring up the idea to you/your spouse/partner was on the spectrum and your relationship is what is referred to as a neurodiverse or mixed-neurology relationship).

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* 30. Did anyone that worked with you as marriage helper or anyone you mentioned the autism/ND to say something like this, "So and so (you or your spouse) cannot be autistic (or Asperger's) (or neurodivergent) because......." Check all that apply.

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* 31. When sharing your relationship struggles in an attempt to get help or understanding, did any  professional or clergy say something like this (dismissing your concerns for the relationship struggles)....

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* 32. Did you mention the possibility of autism/neurodiversity and was it dismissed or discounted by the counselor/clergy/coach? Please choose the best fit

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* 33. What would you want professionals  or clergy or religious leaders helping neurodiverse relationships to know?  

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* 34. Anything you feel should be explored or asked in an interview?

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* 35. I understand that participating in this pre-selection survey is optional, and by selecting "Yes" I am giving permission/consent for my answers to be used anonymously in any ensuing research or study  by this research team. I understand that a select few will be chosen for an interview, and I may be contacted to participate further in this study which I may accept or decline. I understand that my answers will be kept private and only viewed by members of the research team. By checking "Yes" to this question, I am only consenting to participate in this pre-selection survey for research purposes. These results may be used for journals, articles, blogs, for a book, etc. but my personal information will be kept private.

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* 36. For demographic purposes to ensure diversity, what race or ethnicity best describes you? Please choose one

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* 37. Also for demographics, how old are you now?

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