Help Us Track Oregon's Drug Decriminalization & Treatment Expansion

The Lund Report is tracking the implementation of Measure 110 and the expansion of substance use disorder treatment and recovery services across the state. The stakes are high: Oregon was just ranked second nationally for prevalence of substance use disorder, with 18.22% of the population affected. At the same time, Oregon ranked dead last out of 50 states for access to drug and alcohol treatment.

As the landmark law rolls out, we want to know what's needed, what's working and what's not. And to do that, we need to talk to a wide variety of people. This includes: Health care workers, social workers, law enforcement, outreach workers and peers, criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors, treatment and recovery services providers, people struggling with substance use disorder and their families, and others impacted by the new law.

  • Maybe you're an ER doctor who sees the impact of substance use in Oregon on a daily basis, or maybe you're a social worker who finds treatment facility placements for clients. If so, we want to hear from you.
  • Maybe you received a drug possession violation since Feb. 1, 2021, or maybe you recently had trouble getting a family member into treatment in Oregon. We want to hear your story, too.
  • Do you enforce drug laws or work for a government agency that's implementing behavioral health policies? Tell us what you think.
  • Maybe you applied for M110 grant funding, or work in harm reduction or peer services — tell us how you think the law could be improved.
If you have any thoughts you'd like to contribute as we report on this critical issue, please answer a couple short questions below, and our reporter, Emily Green, may reach out to you to follow up.

Your name will be kept 100% confidential unless you grant permission for use upon follow up.

The Lund Report is a news source dedicated to covering the health care system in Oregon. Visit to learn more. This reporting project is made possible through a fellowship sponsored by the Association of Health Care Journalists and supported by The Commonwealth Fund. 
1.Please share your tip or comment below:(Required.)
2.What is your relationship to or experience with substance use disorder in Oregon?(Required.)
3.Name and Contact information: Our reporter, Emily Green, may reach out to you with further questions or to see if you're interested in being interviewed, either on the record or as an anonymous source. Unless you give permission at that time, your name will be kept confidential. We will not share your contact information with anyone. Please include your name and the best way to reach you. (Required.)
4.City of residence: We will be highlighting different areas of the state in our reporting. Knowing where you live will be helpful.