Thanks for offering to volunteer at the 2016 Region IX VPPPA Safety Summit – It is with volunteer support that we are able to host such a remarkable summit.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name:

Question Title

* 2. Your Email:

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* 3. Your Phone Number:

Question Title

* 4. Your Company:

Question Title

* 5. Have you volunteered for this summit before?*

Question Title

* 6. Volunteer Opportunities

Bag Stuffing  
1.5 to 2 hours with 12 volunteers 
Review items for assembly line style stuffing, verify bag contents and load into boxes (bags for golf and registration)

3 hour shifts (AM, Mid-Day and PM)
Working under the direction of a board member or staff, look up registered attendees in direction and provide them registration information, bag and greeting.  Refer problems to staff or board member on site.

All Day Between Workshops
Working under the direction of a board member, assist attendees between workshops with directions, time, information as needed.  Ushers will be assigned to a specific area and should remain within that area between summit presentations.  Should carry a radio to communicate issues to planning group.  Facilitate evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Room Coordinators
4 hour shifts (AM and PM) 
Ensure presenters are set-up and ready to start on time, hand out surveys and presentation aids, notify presenters of remaining time (i.e., 5 minutes to end), collect surveys, and assist in presentation transitions.

Question Title

* 7. Suggestions, comments or questions:

Question Title

By selecting yes, you agree that you will conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. You understand that your conduct is a reflection on your employer as well as Region IX. If your conduct is perceived as reflecting poorly towards your employer or Region IX, you may be relieved of your duties.