Sexual Assault Volunteer Advocate Application

Your interest in serving as a volunteer advocate is appreciated. The purpose of these questions is to assist the STAR Central Office to get to know potential volunteer advocates. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability in an open and honest manner. It is anticipated that it will take about 10 minutes to complete. All information is confidential.

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* 1. First and Last Name

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* 2. Campus Address

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* 3. Campus Phone Number

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* 4. Email Address

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* 5. Campus Department

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* 6. Campus Job Title

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* 7. Employment with the University of Arkansas is as

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* 8. Number of years employed at the University of Arkansas

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* 9. Home Phone

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* 10. Cell Phone

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* 11. Please discuss your interest in volunteering with the STAR Central Staff/Faculty Volunteer Advocacy program.

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* 12. How would others describe your ability to serve as an advocate (e.g. listening skills, communication style, interpersonal communication)?

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* 13. Please identify any concerns you have about serving as a STAR Central Volunteer Advocate.

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* 14. If accepted, I agree to be on call as a volunteer to provide advocacy service for sexual assault/rape victims.

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* 15. I am willing to serve after hours and on weekends as a volunteer advocate.

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* 16. Please complete the following items of a well-used scale regarding thoughts about sexual assault. For each of the following statements, please select the number that best corresponds with your thoughts. (1=strongly agree to 7=strongly disagree)

  strongly agree strongly disagree
A woman who goes to the home or apartment of a man on their first date implies that she is willing to have sex.
Women falsely report rape because they frequently have a need to call attention to themselves.
Any healthy woman can successfully resist a rapist if she really wants to.
When women go around braless or wearing short skirts and tight tops, they are just asking for trouble.
In the majority of rapes, the victim is promiscuous or has a bad reputation.
If a women engages in necking or petting and she lets things get out of hand, it is her own fault if her partner forces sex on her.
Women who get raped while drunk get what they deserve.
Many women have an uncounscious wish to be raped and may then unconsciously set up a situation in which they are likely to be attacked.
If a woman gets drunk at a party and has sex with a man she's just met there, she should be considered "fair game" to other males at the party who want to have sex with her too, whether she wants to or not.
If a couple has had sex before, then it can't be rape now.
Men cannot be raped.

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* 17. A person comes to you and claims to have been raped. How likely would you be to believe their statement if the person were:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always
dating the person who allegedly raped them
drinking alcohol/intoxicted when it occurred
wearing a short, tight skirt and strapless top
under the age of 21 years
known to "sleep around"
a college student
a male
had sex with the person before
age 21 year or older