Question Title

* 1. General Questions

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied
Overall Conference Organization?
Ease of Registration?
Information Provided on the NICE Conference Website?
Relevance of Content Presented in General Sessions & Track Sessions?
Quality and usefulness of the printed Program Guide?
Quality and usefulness of the Whova mobile app?
Length of the Conference?

Question Title

* 2. Conference Center

  Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
Quality of the General session room?
Quality of the session breakout rooms?
Quality of the lunches and daily refreshments?
Ability to see the video displays?
Ability to hear the presenters?
Ease of travel to/from the Conference?

Question Title

* 3. Pre-Conference Seminars (if attended)

  Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor N/A
Overall value to you?
Quality of the presenters?
Ability to see and hear the presentations?
Quality of the seminar room?
Would you recommend pre/post-conference seminars in the future?

Question Title

* 4. Special Sessions

  Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor N/A
Nov 7 morning keynote speaker?  (Maj General  Mark Bartman)
Nov 7 noontime keynote speaker? (Tyson Meadors)
Value of the Reception?
Nov 8 morning keynote speaker? (Angela Messer)
Value of the Lightning Sessions during Nov 8 luncheon?
Value of Cyber Soapbox sessions?
Nov 8 afternoon keynote panel? (CISO Panel)
Value of the CAE Designation Awards Ceremony?

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate the NICE 2017 Conference and Expo compared to other similar workshops/conferences you have attended?

Question Title

* 6. What was your favorite presentation or speaker session?

Question Title

* 7. What topics would you like to see addressed at a future NICE Conference?

Question Title

* 8. What speaker(s) or keynote speaker(s) who were not in attendance this year would you recommend for future conferences?

Question Title

* 9. What companies/organizations who were not present would you like to see in the Expo Area?

Question Title

* 10. Did you attend the CAE Community Meeting?

Question Title

* 11. What did you like MOST about NICE 2017?

Question Title

* 12. What did you like LEAST about NICE 2017?

Question Title

* 13. How likely are you to attend a future NICE Conference?

Question Title

* 14. Additional Comments/Suggestions:

Question Title

* 15. Your affiliation (academia, industry or gov’t)?

Question Title

* 16. Name (optional):