Question Title

* 1. After this presentation, I have a better understanding of healthy and unhealthy relationship qualities.

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* 2. After attending this presentation, I have a better understanding of what consent means and that it's okay for someone to change their mind whenever they're uncomfortable.

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* 3. After attending this presentation, I feel more comfortable explaining what Embrace does, and I know how to refer someone for services (for example: yourself, someone you work with, family member, or friend).

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* 4. After the presentation, I am more likely to refer someone to Embrace or connect with Embrace myself.

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* 5. Attending the presentation increased my knowledge of survivor resources about safety and healing.

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* 6. After attending the presentation, I have a better understanding of how to support a friend who has experienced sexual assault.

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* 7. The presentation materials and handouts were helpful in understanding today's topic.

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* 8. Overall, how would you rate this presentation? 5 stars = perfect rating 

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* 9. Additional Feedback