Dear Valued Customer,

As part of the ongoing process to improve our service, we are conducting a brief customer satisfaction survey in an effort to learn what is important to our customers, and how can we further improve our website.

This should only take a few minutes of your time, and your responses will help us make our website a better experience for visitors. Let's get started!

Question Title

1. Personal Particulars

Question Title

2. How did you hear about our website?

Question Title

3. Overall, how satisfied have you been with your shopping experience?

Question Title

4. What is your view on the following aspects of our website?

  Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
Ease of Navigation
Overall Look
Product Details
Shopping Cart

Question Title

5. Overall, how does our website compare to similar websites you have visited?

Question Title

6. Are there additional features you would like us to include on the website?

Question Title

7. Please share with us any other suggestions or recommendations to improve this website.