The Chamber of Commerce’s Quarterly Economic Survey offers an up to date snapshot of the performance of the business community. The following questions provide the data which underpins the report and are key to us understanding the ‘health’ of local businesses.

Question Title

* 1. Name of organisation and email (optional)

Question Title

* 2. What Chamber of Commerce is your business a member of? (If you are not a Chamber member, where is your business located?) 

Question Title

* 3. How many people does your organisation/branch employ? (If a solo trader please write 0) 

Question Title

* 5. UK & Overseas Markets
Excluding seasonal variations, over the past 3 months...

please note: only complete the overseas questions if you are an exporter of goods or services

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
UK sales or bookings have...
UK orders or advanced bookings have...
Export sales or bookings have...
Export orders or advance bookings have...

Question Title

* 6. Over the past 3 months, has your workforce:

Question Title

* 7. Over the next 3 months do you expect your workforce to:

Question Title

* 8. Have you attempted to recruit staff over the past 3 months?

Question Title

* 9. If yes, were they for:

Question Title

* 10. Did you experience any difficulties finding suitable staff?

Question Title

* 11. If yes, for which of the following categories of employee:

Question Title

* 12. During the past 3 months has your:

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
Cash Flow has… 
Investment plans for plant/machinery/equipment have…
Investment plans for training have…

Question Title

* 13. Over the next 12 months, do you believe:

  Improve Remain the same Worsen
Turnover will...
Profitability will...

Question Title

* 14. Are you currently operating at:

Question Title

* 15. Over the next 3 months do you expect your prices to:

Question Title

* 16. Is your business facing pressure to raise prices from any of the following sources:
(please tick all that apply)

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* 17. Please indicate which of these following factors are more of a concern to your business than 3 months ago:
(please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 18. Please share any feedback about business or economic conditions in the previous three months