Thank you for attending Vaccines, Autism, and Neurodiversity.

Question Title

* 1. I understand that successful completion of this activity is defined as attending/viewing 100% of the formal presentation, as well as completing the post-evaluation survey.

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* 2. I give permission to the New Jersey Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, to share my completion data (first/last name, ABP ID and date of completion) with the ACCME and ABP for purposes of reporting my MOC Part II credit. (Please note: If permission is not granted, you will not receive MOC Part II credit through the ABP.)

Question Title

* 3. Demographics

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* 4. Date of birth

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* 5. What type of credits are you seeking?

Question Title

* 6. ABP Diplomat #

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Summarize the origins of rising antivaccine sentiments and its recent shifts.
Be aware of approaches to countering antivaccine activities.
Have an increased understanding of autism, health barriers and disparities experienced by autistic people.
Identify strategies to support someone with autism during a healthcare appointment.
Apply tools, practices, and strategies to transform the vaccine experience for the autism community

Question Title

* 8. Please evaluate the overall program:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Program increased my competence in this area
Program will help me improve patient outcomes
This CME activity was valuable for my practice and/or performance
The presentation was based upon scientific evidence
Speaker disclosures were communicated verbally or in writing

Question Title

* 9. How valuable was today's session to your practice?

Question Title

* 10. Peter Hotez

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Organization of presentations
Clarity of presentations
Appropriateness for your level of training
Relevance to practice

Question Title

* 11. Was the Speaker's lecture free from commercial bias?

Question Title

* 12. Danielle Hall

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Organization of presentations
Clarity of presentation
Appropriateness for your level of training
Relevance to practice

Question Title

* 13. Was the Speaker's lecture free from commercial bias?

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* 14. Going forward, what is one thing you will you do differently in the care of your patients?

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* 15. Identify one lesson learned at this activity that you plan to incorporate into your own work.

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* 16. What additional “practice gaps”, i.e. the difference between what you currently do in practice and what is achievable based upon current professional practices, would you like addressed in future CME activities?

Question Title

* 17. Additional Feedback