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Let Us Know What You Think About Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect

The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on two communication channels produced by the Ontario College of Pharmacists: e-Connect and Pharmacy Connection. We’re looking for your feedback so we can continue to provide you with useful and timely information delivered through easily accessible, user-friendly and engaging communication formats.

e-Connect is our e-Newsletter, which is designed to provide you with important, timely news and updates. Pharmacy Connection is our magazine and is designed to provide you with more in-depth features on practice-related matters and priorities, College activities, and initiatives relevant to pharmacy practice and the regulation of the profession.

Your answers will be anonymous, except if you volunteer to contribute additional feedback at the end of the survey by providing your contact details.

Thank you for participating. If you have any questions, please email
Introductory Questions

Question Title

* 1. I am a...

Question Title

* 2. Where do you provide patient care? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate whether the following apply. Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. How often do you read Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect?

  I read every issue I read most issues I read about half of the issues I read a few issues I rarely or never read issues
Pharmacy Connection

Question Title

* 5. When you do read Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect, how much of the issue do you generally read?

  I read all of it I read most of it I read about half of it I read some of it I read very little or none of it
Pharmacy Connection

Question Title

* 6. In general, how helpful are Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect in maintaining and enhancing your awareness and understanding of your obligations as a pharmacy professional?

  Very helpful Helpful Somewhat helpful Not very helpful Not helpful at all
Pharmacy Connection

Question Title

* 7. In general, how helpful are the information and resources in Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect in maintaining and enhancing your practice and the care you provide to patients?

  Very Helpful Helpful Somewhat helpful Not very helpful Not helpful at all
Pharmacy Connection
Next Section: Questions relating to Pharmacy Connection

Question Title

* 8. How much would you agree or disagree with the following statements about Pharmacy Connection?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The content in Pharmacy Connection reflects questions I have and issues I face in my practice
I use Pharmacy Connection as an ongoing resource in my practice (i.e. refer back to articles, share articles with colleagues)
I consider Pharmacy Connection to be a valuable resource to stay abreast of key College initiatives and activities relevant to me
There is a good mix of topics
The content is written in an easy to understand way

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate how helpful and relevant for your practice you find the following Pharmacy Connection topics

  Very helpful and relevant Somewhat helpful and relevant A little helpful and relevant Not helpful and not relevant I do not read this topic
Letter from the College Chair and/or Registrar
Close Up on Complaints/Practice Insight
AIMS and medication incident-related content
Key initiatives (i.e compounding, expanded scope, opioids, practice environment)
Focus on Error Prevention
Interviews/Features profiling pharmacy professionals
Insight on College programs (i.e. quality assurance, assessments, conduct)
Clinical guidance (i.e. addressing specific conditions or drugs)
Trending pharmacy practice topics (i.e. COVID-19, immunizations, cannabis, veterinary)
Content related to managing/owning a pharmacy

Question Title

* 10. What content would you like to see more of in Pharmacy Connection?

Next Section: Questions specifically about your experience using the online version of the magazine,

Question Title

* 11. How often do you read articles on

Question Title

* 12. Do you also read the print publication and/or PDF edition of Pharmacy Connection?

Question Title

* 13. How do you access/read articles on Check all that apply

Question Title

* 14. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree I have not visited
I find easy to use/ navigate
I can find the stories I’m looking for on
I like the design and layout of
I use as an ongoing resource in my practice (i.e. refer back to articles, share articles with colleagues)
It is important for me to be able to easily print all stories from to read later or share with others

Question Title

* 15. Do you have any additional suggestions about how we can improve or enhance Pharmacy Connection to meet your needs and expectations as a registrant and provide information that is timely and relevant to your practice?

Next Section: Questions Relating to e-Connect

Question Title

* 16. How do you feel about the frequency of e-Connect issues you receive (e-Connect is currently sent approximately twice a month)?

Question Title

* 17. How much would you agree or disagree with the following statements about e-Connect?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The layout or “look” of e-Connect makes the stories easy to read
The content in e-Connect reflects questions I have and issues I face in my practice
I use e-Connect as an ongoing resource in my practice (i.e. refer back to articles, share articles with colleagues)
The content in e-Connect helps me provide better patient care
I consider e-Connect to be a valuable practice resource
I consider e-Connect to be a valuable resource to stay abreast of key College initiatives and activities relevant to me
There is a good mix of topics
The way the content is written helps me understand the issue or topic
The length of e-Connect suits my needs and is appropriate
The design and layout of e-Connect works well for reading it on my mobile phone if I choose to do so

Question Title

* 18. How relevant is the content in e-Connect to your daily practice?

Question Title

* 19. What other content would you like to see more of in e-Connect?

Question Title

* 20. Do you have any additional suggestions about how we can improve or enhance e-Connect?

Next Section: Additional Feedback 

Question Title

* 21. The College may be interested in connecting with registrants who would like to provide additional feedback on Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect. If you are interested in doing so, please provide your contact details below. If not, please skip this question

Thank you for your feedback. It is vital in helping us continue to improve our communication tools to best meet your needs
0 of 21 answered