Please provide your contact information, household information, and indicate what type of scholarship you are applying for.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information

Question Title

* 2. How would you like to be contacted?

Question Title

* 7. Do you have preferred pronouns or a preferred name?

Question Title

* 8. Have you taken classes at WAM before?

Question Title

* 9. What types of classes are you interested in taking?

Question Title

* 10. Provide documentation to verify your financial need here.  Your Scholarship Application is not complete without this supporting documentation.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* 11. You must check "YES" to acknowledge that submitting this application does not guarantee you a scholarship placement in any course at the Worcester Art Museum.

Question Title

* 12. Please list the name and phone number of your emergency contact here, as well as any allergies or accommodations the instructor should know about.