Food For Thought Contest: 1st Round Tasks You might just know the answer or try to guess it following the clues. Question Title * 1. Пожалуйста, впечатай ниже свои имя, фамилию и класс, где ты учишься. Question Title * 2. Food Idioms: Sorry, but Russian food, so rich and fattening, is not my ____________. glass of beer drop of milk cup of tea loaf of bread Question Title * 3. Food Idioms: Take everything you read on the Internet with a ______________ . slice of lemon pinch of salt lump of sugar cup of tea Question Title * 4. Food Idioms: Kids are always full of ___________ – they can’t sit still for a long time. beans grapes mushrooms peas Question Title * 5. Food Idioms: I thought I was just going to talk to the secretary, but they let me see the boss – a real big __________! apple potato cheese tomato Question Title * 6. Food Idioms: What is the proper term for ten or more bananas that grow together as a bunch? hand head hump heart Question Title * 7. Food Idioms: Don’t go into much detail! I want to have just a brief overview, so what is your project like – ______________? out of the frying pan and into the fire the cream of the crop cool as a cucumber in a nutshell Question Title * 8. Food Idioms: Tony Johns is a very good employee and he is definitely _____________. a bad egg worth his salt nutty as a fruitcake a hot potato Question Title * 9. Food Idioms: The New iPads have been ___________since they were released last month. selling like hotcakes cut the mustard half-baked popular like hotdogs Question Title * 10. Food Idioms: These tasks seem to be very easy to do – just a _______ for me! nut to crack piece of cake fish and chips smart cookie Question Title * 11. Famous food quotes: When the wife of King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette was told that the people of France were suffering due to widespread bread shortages, the Queen is said to have replied, “Let them go on a diet!” “Let them eat cake!” “Let them catch frogs and eat them!” Question Title * 12. Famous food quotes: The famous Italian actress and a world-known beauty Sophia Loren commented on her great looks in the following way: “Everything you see I owe to _________”. my parents Italian climate spaghetti Question Title * 13. Famous food quotes: One of the paradoxes created by Oscar Wilde, a great Irish writer and poet, reads: “I can’t stand people who do not take food ___________”. seriously for granted three times a day Question Title * 14. Famous food quotes: The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates reasoned, “The best seasoning for food is ________”. hunger good conversation pepper Question Title * 15. Famous food quotes: Friedrich Schiller, a German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright, is the author of the famous phrase: “________ and hunger rule the World”. Love Power Fear Question Title * 16. Famous food quotes: François Rabelais, a major French Renaissance writer, noticed, “___________ comes with eating!” Your best friend A good idea Appetite Question Title * 17. Famous food quotes: Norwegian proverb has it: “Cookies are made of butter and __________”. flour sugar love Question Title * 18. Famous food quotes: The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras said, “_________ is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea.” Sun-tan Seafood Salt Question Title * 19. Famous food quotes: In many languages there is a saying that means pretty much the same: “Eat your breakfast yourself, share your dinner with a friend, _______________." save your supper for a rainy day go out for a good supper give your supper to your enemy Question Title * 20. Famous food quotes: It is suggested that ____________ were invented by the people who never suffered from hunger. knives and forks complicated dishes table manners Question Title * 21. Did you know? Being an important part of a major holiday’s traditional menu, THESE are historically connected with rebirth, rejuvenation and immortality. Even the earliest civilisations held springtime festivals thinking of the sun's return from darkness as an annual miracle and regarding THESE as a natural wonder and a proof of the renewal of life. THEY are colored, blessed, exchanged and eaten as part of the spring festivities. (The answer should consist of TWO words!) Question Title * 22. Did you know? Maintaining a tradition that began in 1860 with Queen Victoria, every year Queen Elizabeth II opens the private gardens at Buckingham Palace to host three afternoon parties, each attended by 8,000 guests. The invitations are sent to people of all walks of life. It is not possible for an individual to request or buy an invitation. It is a formal event with gentlemen wearing suits or uniforms. Ladies wear afternoon dress, usually with a hat and gloves. The guests enjoy a walk in the Royal Gardens, which are usually not open to the public. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, accompanied by members of the Royal Family, enter the garden at 4:00 p.m. as one of two bands plays the National Anthem. Taking a different route, each Royal circulates amongst the guests. An hour later high ranking and special guests proceed to the Royal tent to join the Royal Family. The remaining guests are served at a 408-foot long buffet table. What traditional English treat is the centre of the whole ceremony? Question Title * 23. Did you know? The legend has it that this English nobleman was a passionate gambler. Quite frequently he spent days and nights at the gambling table. The only trouble was that from time to time he got hungry and so he had to stop his game to eat something. So his servants invented a dish which allowed him to play and eat at the same time: it consisted of fried beef between two slices of bread. It made it possible for the man to keep his hands clean and not to take a break during the game. This invention is said to have given birth to famous “fast food”. What was the name of this person? Question Title * 24. Did you know? Most people are fond of this bright-coloured tasty FRUIT, only they are sure that it is a VEGETABLE (you too!) It is so attractive that Italians and French call it "golden apple". Historically, it was the important component in the great Columbian Exchange (the introduction of Old World plants to the New World, and vice versa). It is interesting to note that there were times when it was considered to be a deadly poison. A legend says that during the American War of Independence the private cook of George Washington was bribed by the Enemy to kill the great general-in-chief. So he cooked a dinner with this presumably poisonous ingredient and promptly escaped to avoid punishment. The assassination failed as this dish turned out to be totally harmless. PINEAPPLE POTATO TOMATO Question Title * 25. Did you know? A famous French chef once gave his own name to this “culinary masterpiece” which still bears the same name in the country where he then was a guest restaurateur. It appeared as a treat for wealthy gourmets but with time it has become immensely popular with ordinary people. These days the ingredients are very cheap and easy to obtain in any local food store. Curiously, this dish being very popular in many other countries goes there under an altogether different "title" linked to the name of the country where it was first cooked. What is this dish called, say in Great Britain? (The answer should contain TWO words!) Question Title * 26. Did you know? Looking at them, you will never call them foodies. But the lyrics of the songs created by this world-famous band are virtually 'packed with food items' - chocolate, mustard, strawberries, bacon, onion, octopus, honey, marmalade, tangerine, truffle, cornflakes, cakes, pies (just to name a few)... On top of it, their most popular ballad, solely cooked and still being served by one of the band's frontmen, was originally published under the title "Scrambled Eggs" (later the song received its current name, far from being gastronomic). Do you know the name of the band and the song's title? Question Title * 27. Did you know? As often happens, there are a lot of legends connected with this product. In one of them, Mary Stuart ate only oranges baked in sugar syrup during a period of illness. Her servants, who spoke French, repeated in the kitchen “Marie e’ malade’ (Mary is sick). So it was the way the English heard the future name of THIS PRODUCT. Готово