Question Title

Please select a response to rate each statement based on how you feel

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
There is good healthcare in Cabell County. (Consider the cost, quality, number of options, and availability of healthcare in the county).
Cabell County is a good place to raise children. (Consider the quality and safety of schools and child care programs, after school programs, and places to play in the county.
Cabell County is a good place to grow old. (Consider the county's elder-friendly housing, transportation to medical services, recreation, and services for the elderly.
Cabell County is a safe place to live. (Consider how safe you feel at home, at work, at schools, playgrounds, parks, and shopping centers).
There is plenty of help for people during times of need in Cabell County. (Consider social support, neighbors, support groups, the faith-based community, community organization, and emergency monetary assistance.

Question Title

Using the list below, please select the ONE issue that most affects quality of life in Cabell County. (Choose ONLY ONE).

Question Title

* 3. From the list below, which ONE service needs the most improvement. Choose ONLY ONE.

Question Title

In your opinion, which ONE health behavior do people in Cabell County need more information about. (Choose ONLY ONE)

Question Title

* 5. In the past 12 months, did you have any difficulty getting the healthcare you needed for you personally or for a family member from any type of healthcare provider?

Question Title

* 6. If you said yes to the question above, what type of provider did you have trouble getting healthcare from? (Choose as many as needed).