1. General Event Questions

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* 1. Sorry we missed you this year at Monarch Ball! Why couldn't you join us?

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* 2. How many nonprofit events do you attend on average in one year?

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* 3. Do you typically attend events by purchasing an individual ticket, by attending as a table guest (for free) or do you purchase a table sponsorship?

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* 4. What is the maximum amount you will spend for an individual ticket for a nonprofit event?

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* 5. When determining whether or not to attend a nonprofit event, please rank the factors that help you decide to attend.

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* 6. What attire do you prefer to wear at events?

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* 7. What day of the week do you prefer to attend fundraising events?

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* 8. Where do you like to attend events?

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* 9. Would you attend a brunch event the morning after an evening event?

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* 10. What type of food do you prefer at events? Please rank in order of preference.

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* 11. When attending nonprofit events, what would you prefer to the event program to look like?

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* 12. What is the best corporate or nonprofit event you've ever attended? Why?

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* 13. Do you volunteer for a nonprofit or serve on a nonprofit board?

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* 14. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?