We want to know what YOU think about your student's school!

This survey will help us get valuable information from our parents so we can improve our students' education.

Question Title

* 1. The principal at this school...

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
has high expectations for teachers and students
has a clear vision for the school that is communicated to students and families
works to create a sense of community in the school
promotes family and community involvement in the school

Question Title

* 2. My student's teacher...

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
supports my student
engages and challenges my student in learning
gives regular learning checks to see if my student needs extra help
works to make sure all students are able to learn
communicates with me regularly
respects me
appreciates our culture/background

Question Title

* 3. Indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements:

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
The school involves families in celebrating success
My student knows what responsibilities and behaviors are expected of them to succeed
My student's teacher models high expectations in his/her own behavior
Staff at this school work hard to build trusting relationships with parents/guardians like me
Parents/guardians are invited to visit classrooms to observe instruction
Teachers and parents/guardians think of each other as partners in educating students
Teachers try to understand families' problems and concerns
The school will make me aware if there are any emotional or psychological issues affecting my student's performance

Question Title

* 4. Indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements:

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
The school encourages feedback from parents, families, and community members
The school values family and community input

Question Title

* 5. The school regularly shares information about my student's academic performance

Question Title

* 6. Indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements:

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
My student's learning is aligned with their real-world interests and/or post-secondary goals
My student is learning lifelong skills such as how to set goals, persist with tasks, and track their progress
This school offers a wide enough variety of courses, extracurricular activities and services to keep my student's interest in school
The school involves community members in creating partnerships to offer students internships, career exploration, and service learning
The school provides parents with plenty of opportunities to support the school (for example: volunteering in classrooms, helping with school-wide events, etc)