The Loop Community Improvement District (CID) is designed to provide programs and services to people using the Business Loop. Property and business owners tax themselves to provide programs over and above what the municipality can provide in order to revitalize an area that's been neglected for decades.

Our areas of focus include streetscape improvements, cosmetic enhancements, accessibility, public safety, economic development, marketing and events, and communications and advocacy. Our 5 ­Year Plan can be found on our website at www.theloopcomo/learn.

However, we need your help to prioritize these areas and provide us with more details on how to move forward. Our first step towards a corridor-wide plan is to find out your thoughts about the street.

Although we have limited funds and thus will be very limited in terms of what we can accomplish, we'd still like to know what you want to see happen on the street. Think about how you're using the corridor now and how you'd like to use it in the future. Do you want better pedestrian access from your home? A prettier street to travel down? More places to grab lunch or a cup of coffee? We want to know!

It should take less than 10 minutes to complete this important survey. Thank you so much for your help!