Feedback for Science Unit 1

Hello Rocketeers,

Each classroom has completed (or has nearly completed) their first science unit. Thank you for applying the same depth of preparation and coaching for science as you have for math!

So that we can continue to grow as a network in science instruction, please provide your feedback here so we can more deeply understand the experience of unit 1 from your perspective as coaches. Your feedback is essential - so thank you in advance!

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* 1. Please select the grades the you coach below.

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* 2. To what extent do you think your teachers internalized the science content and lessons?

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* 3. If you chose 1 or 2 above, please share 1-2 sentences about root causes that you think led to poor internalization.

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* 4. Which component of this science unit did you find most helpful for your teachers?

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* 5. In a sentence or two, explain your answer to #2.

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* 6. Which component of this science unit did you find least helpful for your teachers?

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* 7. In a sentence or two, explain your answer to #4.

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* 8. Please rank the following in order of which you would want most for your next science unit.

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* 9. Any other feedback or comments you would like to share? Please share below.