
Question Title

* Submit a statement of your goals and objectives as you enter ARMED MedEd. i.e. What do you hope to accomplish?
(Max 250 words, 2,000 characters)

Question Title

* What motivated you to apply to ARMED MedEd?
(Max 250 words, 2,000 characters)

Question Title

* Have you completed or are enrolled in any of the following:
(Please select all that apply)

Question Title

* Do you have an Advanced/Masters degree? If so, what type of degree?

Question Title

* Please enter your information below.

Question Title

* Have you completed a Longitudinal Faculty Development Program? If yes, what type?

Question Title

* Please describe any other experience or additional training you have in medical education research that will contribute to your ARMED MedEd experience.
(Max 250 words, 2,000 characters)

Question Title

* ARMED MedEd is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive research community in medical education. We hope all our participants will be mindful of principals that make their preferred topic of research equitable to diverse learners. Please share how you plan to address this.
(Max 250 words, 2,000 characters)

Question Title

* Please upload a letter of support from your Chair.

Letter should include:

  1. Commitment to release time to participate in ARMED MedEd.
  2. Commitment for departmental funding for participation in ARMED MedEd or alternative funding plan (including travel expenses).

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Please upload your most recent CV.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Would you like to be considered for a scholarship? Please check all that apply.

Academy membership is required.

Question Title

* What is your Race?

Question Title

* Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity: