Thank you for participating in this survey, ASAM is very grateful for your time and consideration. Below are 6 possible product models that ASAM may pursue in accordance with the upcoming release of the ASAM Criteria 4th Edition.
This survey will help us better understand the clinical needs and technological priorities of provider systems’ assessment and treatment planning processes and gain your feedback on what best fits your needs and clinical workflow.
Please note that we use the term "biopsychosocial" and "multidimensional" assessment interchangeably. 
Product Models
Modified Level of Care (LOC) Placement Tool: A shorter level of care (not a full biopsychosocial assessment) determination algorithm-driven tool. A briefer tool than the current CONTINUUM assessment but specific enough to output all sublevels and co-occurring levels of care for placement from The ASAM Criteria.
Algorithm service: An algorithm engine that can calculate a level of care recommendation based on input. An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or other front-end system can integrate the algorithm directly into their interface, including the clinical questions and/or assessments that would determine the algorithm’s level of care placement.  
Algorithm map: Includes technical questions and answers for external developers, such as EMRs or other front-end systems, to create their own algorithms and/or assessments, based on the clinical needs of their end-users. Allows for innovation and configuration based on the client’s (provider systems) clinical workflow needs with validation by ASAM for use.  
Mobile Screening Instrument: Similar to the streamlined level of care placement tool (see above), this assessment would be a mobile form specific enough for patients to complete before an interaction with a provider. This would aid in increasing efficiency between the patient and provider.
4th Edition Version of CONTINUUM and CO-Triage: Updated version of CONTINUUM and CO-Triage. An ASAM standardized biopsychosocial assessment tool that seamlessly organizes information into an ASAM Level of Care Placement recommendation service. 
Treatment Planning Tool: A clinical decision support system that offers a full biopsychosocial assessment for dimension driven treatment planning.

Question Title

* 1. Please specify your role:

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* 2. Please specify what state you are located in:

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* 3. What reporting, data aggregation, and/or assessment (i.e., full biopsychosocial) requirements do your ASAM Criteria assessments need to fulfill? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. What features do you need to complete your assessment process? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Does your organization utilize any non-substance use disorder assessments to identify/diagnose co-occurring conditions?

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* 6. What features are most important for you in a treatment planning tool? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. How does your SUD assessment or CONTINUUM assessment feed into your treatment planning process?

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* 8. Do you currently have any specific treatment planning service needs? If yes, please explain. 

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* 9. What product model looks of most interest to you and your organization? Do any of these products meet your organization's needs, and why?

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* 10. Can you think of any identifiable risks or concerns for a certain model?

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* 11. Do you have any suggestions for other clinical products or services in the market that we should consider for development?

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* 12. If the Modified Level of Care Placement Service was offered as a standalone product, would you need a full biopsychosocial assessment as well?