Thank you for completing the Youth Needs Survey for St. Mary's Church. Your responses will be helpful in developing a comprehensive ministry to and with the young people of our parish community. 

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* 1. Are you a parishioner? 

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* 2. How important is it for our parish to offer structured activities for our in middle school and high school?

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* 3. Please rate the following activities you think our youth would benefit from participating in. Examples of the activities are in parentheses:

  Least Helpful Not Helpful Neutral Helpful Very Helpful
Activities that connect students to each other (social gatherings, outings)
Activities that enable our youth to help the community (serving at a our food pantry)
Activities that deepen our youths' Catholic faith (Mass, Scripture study, Catholic topic session)
Activities that youth organize and run themselves with adult supervision (peer ministry)
Activities that engage youth in the larger parish community and involvement in parish ministries (music ministry, and other parish ministries)
Activities where young people can discuss topics relevant to their lives (youth nights with speakers and activities)

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* 4. Please share three issues that you believe young people deal with often:

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* 5. Please share three ways you believe would help youth stay engaged in their faith: (Mass attendance, service opportunities)

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* 6. FOR PARENTS OF YOUTH ONLY: As a parent/guardian, what resources would be helpful for you?

  Least Helpful Not Helpful Neutral Helpful Very Helpful
Parenting help on topics such as dating and healthy relationships,, substance abuse, peer pressure, bullying, violence and depression. 
Resources to help you share faith at home
Resources to deepen your own faith life (retreat, videos, prayer books)
Opportunities to meet and share with other parents

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* 7. FOR PARENTS OF YOUTH ONLY: Please rank the most effective way to communicate with your family

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* 8. Please indicate how many of your children are in the following grades:

  0 1 2 3 4 5+
No Children
0 to Pre-school
K to 5th Grade
6th to 8th Grade
9th to 12th Grade

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* 9. Please indicate how many of your children attend the following types of schools:

  0 1 2 3 4 5+
No Children in School
Public Grade School
Catholic grade school (K-8)
Other private school (K-8)
Public high school (9-12)
Catholic high school (9-12)
Other private high school (9-12)
Home schooled 

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* 10. (optional) DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTION: Please tell us about your family. Choose all that apply.

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* 11. language most spoken at home?