
The National Disability Strategy 2010 - 2020 is up for review. The Department of Social Services has released a position paper to guide submissions in this review process. QDN is writing a submission and we would like to hear what you think. The review focuses on the outcome areas, accountability and reporting measures. The questions below will help inform the QDN submission. We would like to know how the National Disability Strategy has impacted your life already, and what you think should happen in the next ten years. 

The National Disability Strategy is the tool to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability in Australia. The strategy’s 6 outcome areas are:

1.    Work, money and housing
2.    Taking part in the community
3.    Our rights for fair treatment and safety
4.    Getting support
5.    Learning and skills
6.    Health and wellbeing

For more information, you can read the National Disability Strategy position paper here:
There are several formats, including Word and Easy Read. 

If you have any questions about this survey or the QDN NDS submission, please contact Sarah Houbolt by emailing or by phoning the QDN office on 1300 363 783. 

This survey will close on Sunday 25 October at midnight. 

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* 1. What is one thing that has changed in your life in last 5 years that links with the National Disability Strategy?

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* 2. If the next National Disability Strategy was successful, what would that change for people with disability? What outcomes would you want to see?

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* 3. How do you think people with disability, and the disability community, could be more involved in the next strategy – particularly in implementation, measuring outcomes and monitoring?

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* 4. How can governments report on what they are doing under the National Disability Strategy and the outcomes?

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* 5. Is there anything else you would like to add or say for the National Disability Strategy submission?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. We really value your input into this submission.