2018 Reader Survey Help us make Reston Now better! (1 of 2 pages) Question Title * 1. What's your age? Under 21 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+ Question Title * 2. I am a... Male Female Prefer not to answer/nonbinary Question Title * 3. Do you read Reston Now more or less than you did at this time last year? More Less About the same Question Title * 4. How would you assess us in the following categories? Doing great Doing okay Needs improvement Accuracy (getting the story right) Accuracy (getting the story right) Doing great Accuracy (getting the story right) Doing okay Accuracy (getting the story right) Needs improvement Copy editing (avoiding typos) Copy editing (avoiding typos) Doing great Copy editing (avoiding typos) Doing okay Copy editing (avoiding typos) Needs improvement Not missing big stories Not missing big stories Doing great Not missing big stories Doing okay Not missing big stories Needs improvement Making the news interesting Making the news interesting Doing great Making the news interesting Doing okay Making the news interesting Needs improvement Improving the community Improving the community Doing great Improving the community Doing okay Improving the community Needs improvement Being a daily "must read" Being a daily "must read" Doing great Being a daily "must read" Doing okay Being a daily "must read" Needs improvement Question Title * 5. Have you read our new Reston Now AM newsletter? Yes No Question Title * 6. If you've read Reston Now AM, what do you think about it? Love it Like it It's okay Dislike it Hate it What can make the email better? Next