
50% of survey complete.
PKN Packaging News and Food & Drink Business has partnered with AccuPak, Robot Technologies-Systems (RTA) and AccuWeigh to: survey and report on current Australian industry practices, drivers and future plans related to the purchase of packaging line equipment and robotics automation technology.

In what promises to be Australia's largest packaging line survey, we are seeking responses from individuals who are familiar with their company's packaging line operations. The survey will take no more five minutes to complete.

The Survey Report will provide industry stakeholders with important insights and information on the selection, purchase and commissioning of packaging line technology.

Your input will be an important element in helping us to provide you a Report that will help you to make informed capital investment decisions.

All survey respondents will receive a copy of the Survey Report.  

Five survey respondents will win a Packaging Line On-site Site Audit and Report and one of three  Apple Watches. The Packaging Line Audits will be conducted by AccuPak, AccuWeigh and Robot Technologies-Systems (RTA) Business Analysts. More details on the prizes can be found in the Competition Terms & Conditions.  

Please note. Be assured, any personal information you provide will be treated in strictest confidence for survey purposes only and will not be disclosed in any way to any third parties.

Question Title

* 1. Q. Have you installed new packaging, product inspection or robotics automation equipment over the past year or do you intend to in the next year?

Question Title

* 2. Compared to FY17, will your CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET for packaging equipment in FY18:

Question Title

* 3. What are your company’s plans for automation?

  Currently Implemented Plan to implement No plan to implement
Full automation
Partial automation
Product inspection

Question Title

* 4. Do you do current use or do you plan to install a robotics automation system over the next two years?

Question Title

* 5. Which area(s) of the packaging line do you plan to buy packaging or robotics automation equipment for? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. What are the top three MARKET PRESSURES driving your company to enhance or upgrade its packaging line capabilities?

Question Title

* 7. What are the top three CHALLENGES in managing your operations? 

Question Title

* 8. What are the top three STRATEGIC ACTIONS your company is intending to take to address the previous market pressures?

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES does your company possess?

  Currently use Plan to implement No plan to implement Don't know
Manufacturing effectively collaborates with product engineering/design
Qualified in-house engineer/maintenance capabilites
Systems integrators are viewed as strategic partners in the design & implementation packaging lines
Central line control
Vision system technology
Robotics automation technology - materials handling, picking, sorting, packing, palletising 
Robotics automation technology - food/product processing
Barcode tracking

Question Title

* 10. Which of the following PROCESS CAPABILITIES does your company possess or will develop?

  Currently Implemented Plan to implement No plan to implement Don't know
Standard KPIs
Automated alerts based on defined conditions
Automated workflows to manage non-compliance, non-comformance, and recall events
Quality assurance results for products recorded
Data is managed using real time/ event-driven dashboards with role-based accessibility
Ability to collect, plan/schedule and respond to real-time production events 

Question Title

* 11. Which of the following BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES does your company possess or will it develop? Consider how you plan, budget, organise operations and problem solve.

  Currently implemented Plan to implement No plan to implement Don't know
Owners or senior management have visibility into operational performance
Operational metrics are linked to financial metrics
Real-time visibility into status of all production processes
Real-time visibility into quality and compliance data
Energy consumption and costs are used as KPIs for operational decision making

Question Title

* 12. Over the past two years, what were the changes in the following metrics?

  Increased by more than 50% Increased by 30-50% Increased by 16-30% Increased by 1-15% Remained the same  Decreased by 1-15% Decreased by 16-30% Decreased by 16%-30% Decreased by 31-50% Decreased by more than 50% Don't know
Operating Costs
Total Cost Per Unit
Manufacturing Cycle (throughput time)
Annual output

Question Title

* 13. Rank the following ten purchase/ procurement criteria in order of importance.

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* 14. What are CHALLENGES have you previously encountered in successfuly procuring and/or commissioning packaging line equipment or systems? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 15. Who usually specifies the machinery for packaging lines at your company?

Question Title

* 16. What are the three top benefits you expect from the purchase of new packaging line equipment or technologies?

Question Title

* 20. Please add your name and your company email address to enter the competition.

Question Title

* 21. Company