Question Title

* Below are descriptions of the various Chamber communications that you can receive. Please take a look and check the box beside the communications you would like.

Membership Matters(distributed biweekly)- Chamber's mainstay newsletter highlighting events, programs and other Chamber news

Member2Member (distributed biweekly)- Features member text ads promoting products, services and news to fellow members

Get Current - Upcoming events and issues pertinent to members and prospective members of Current, the Chamber's young professionals network

e-wire (distributed monthly)- Advance's economic development news

Public Policy (monthly or as needed for breaking news)- Local, state and national; legislative, regulatory, judicial and political news affecting business; includes Chamber stance, timely action calls enabling easy contact with elected officials on urgent business issues, plus candidate and voting information.

From the Chamber (distributed as needed)- Stand-alone communications of particular interest, such as announcements of a new president, etc.

Question Title

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