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Dear Valued Stakeholders, 
Caribbean Export (CE) is pleased to invite you to formally indicate your interest in participating in the VEAP as a business by completing and submitting this form. 

The form collects key information about your organization and its work related to supporting E-Commerce adoption among the businesses you serve. Kindly submit your responses no later than Friday August 19, 2022.

Please note that only two (2) BSOs per Member State will be accepted to participate in the first cohort of the Programme

The CE-VEAP Team will review your application and inform you on the success of your submission by August 31, 2022.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Details

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* 2. Approximately, how many employees work in your organization?

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* 3. Of those employees, approximately how many work in the area of information communication technology (ICT)?

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* 4. Of those in ICT, approximately how many are trained to conduct e-commerce/ e-business related activites?

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* 5. Does your organization have a written strategic e-commerce plan?

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* 6. Does your organization have any current or planned initiatives to facilitate e-commerce adoption amongst the businesses you serve?

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* 7. If yes, please give the title of the project/s and the implementation dates/timeline.

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* 8. Please select the major challenges identified by stakeholders in implementing e-commerce systems. (select all that apply)

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* 9. How would you classify your organization's e-commerce outreach programmes?

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* 10. Rate the following items in terms of e-commerce development in your country

  Limited Adequate Excellent Unsure
IT skills among entrepreneurs or within companies
Payment options for e-commerce
Availability of e-commerce support service providers (website development, online marketing etc)
General understanding of e-commerce across entrepreneurs, sector associations and public sector
Cooridnation amongst institutions
Effective trade logistics and cross-border facilitation measures
ICT infrastructure-internet connectivity, pricing and affordability
Supporting legal framework
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