Application for Nursing Continuing Professional Development  Accreditation Appraiser 

To be considered as an appraiser candidate a complete application portfolio must be completed. 

An Application Portfolio includes the following:
  • Completed Application Form on Survey Monkey
  • Letter of Support from a representative of an ANCC accredited or approved organization or an ANCC Accreditation Program Appraiser - Please send to
  • Curriculum Vitae -Please send to

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* 1. Applicant Contact Information

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* 2. Present Position (Title & Description)

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* 3. Is your organization accredited by ANCC and/or do you serve as a volunteer with an accredited organization?

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* 4. Professional Formal Education 

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* 5. Professional Formal Education 

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* 6. Professional Formal Education 

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* 7. Professional Formal Education 

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* 8. Please list the state where you hold an unencumbered license to practice as a registered nurse:

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* 9. Are you certified in Nursing Professional Development?

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* 10. Are you certified in any other area?

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* 11. Please check all those settings listed below in which you have been involved in continuing nursing education:

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* 12. Please describe your activities related to continuing nursing education

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* 13. Which of the following best describes your experience in Program Evaluation:

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* 14. Which of the following best describes your experience with on the job Project Management:

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* 15. Which of the following best describes your experience with Information Management:

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* 16. Which of the following best describes your experience with Adult Learning?

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* 17. Since the Accreditation Appraisal Process is a team-based process, please provide a brief description of your experience on teams and why you are an effective team member in six lines or less.

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* 18. If you have experience serving as a team leader, describe your experience in six lines or less.

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* 19. Use this space to briefly describe why you think you would be an asset to the ANCC Accreditation Program as an appraiser.

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* 20. Are you a member of ANA or an ANA State Nurses Association/Constituent Member Association?

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* 21. If appointed, I agree to participate in web-based training sessions and serve as an ANCC Accreditation Appraiser pursuant to the ANCC Accreditation Agreement. 

The information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any knowing submission of incorrect information will result in my immediate termination as an ANCC Accreditation Appraiser.

 A response of I agree in the box below serves as the electronic signature of the applicant completing this application.