Question Title

* 1. The quality of education offered at Konawa is of high quality.

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* 2. Our school is doing a good job teaching language arts (reading, writing, grammar).

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* 3. Our school is doing a good job teaching mathematics.

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* 4. Our school is doing a good job teaching science.

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* 5. Our school is doing a good job teaching social studies (civics, Okla History, US History)

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* 6. Our school offers a good job teaching fine arts (music, band, visual arts, theater)

Question Title

* 7. Our school is doing a good job teaching physical education.

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* 8. Our school is doing a good job offering  foreign language. 

Question Title

* 9. School is doing a good job teaching career/vocational courses.

Question Title

* 10. Our school does a good job preparing your child to be successful after graduation whether it is college or career ready.

Question Title

* 11. Do you wish that your child could attend vocational courses at an area career tech center?

Question Title

* 12. Teachers here at Konawa challenge your child to do his/her best work.

Question Title

* 13. Teachers hold high expectations for student learning.

Question Title

* 14. Teachers give your child extra help in class when it is needed.

Question Title

* 15. Teachers are willing to give your child individual help outside of class time.

Question Title

* 16. Our school offers learning opportunities that support the full range of student abilities.

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* 17. Our school recognizes the achievements of a students for all types of accomplishments.

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* 18. The grading of your child's schoolwork is fair.

Question Title

* 19. A counselor/advisor is available to help your child in selecting classes and provide guidance in planning for the future.

Question Title

* 20. Konawa has  access to a variety of resources to help your child succeed in their learning, such as technology, media center and libraries.

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* 21. Our school's facilities are adequate to support my child's learning needs.

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* 22. Adequate security measures are in place at Konawa.

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* 23. Teachers at our school treat students fairly.

Question Title

* 24. School rules apply equally to all student.  

Question Title

* 25. There are no problems with "bullying" at our school.

Question Title

* 26. Parent opinions are considered when important school decisions are made.

Question Title

* 27. You feel welcomed at our school.

Question Title

* 28. For the most part, I am satisfied with our school. 

Question Title

* 29. What kind of program(classes, courses)  additions would you like to see at Konawa?

Question Title

* 30. What kind of improvements can be made to the facilities of Konawa Public Schools?