Nomination & Awards Process Overview

Thank you in advance for taking time to nominate a person and/or organization for an NCAP Award. For a full overview of NCAP's awards, click here.

To nominate an individual or organization, a narrative documenting reasons for nomination along with letters of support and local/state press coverage are required. Nominations remain active for three (3) years from the date of submission. 

Winners of the National Sargent Shriver Achievement Award and the National Community Action Volunteer Recognition Award will receive an award plaque, $1,000 gift card, flowers, complimentary  registration for the awardee and a companion, and complimentary travel to Annual Convention (including transportation, lodging, and per diem) for the awardee and a companion.

Winners of the National Lyndon Baines Johnson Leadership Award, National Robert M. Coard Innovation Award, National Drum Major for Justice Award, and the National Advocacy Award will receive an award plaque, flowers, complimentary registration for the awardee and a companion, and complimentary travel to Annual Convention (including transportation, lodging, and per diem) for the awardee and a companion.

The Executive Director of each CAA award winner of the Promise in Action Award will receive an award plaque, flowers, complimentary registration for the awardee and a companion, and complimentary travel to Annual Convention (including transportation, lodging, and per diem) for the awardee and a companion. All CAA staff present during Annual Convention will be recognized during the Annual Convention.

The Executive Director of each business that receives the National Community Action Corporate Partnership Award will receive an award plaque, flowers, complimentary Annual Convention registration for the awardee and a companion, and complimentary travel to Annual Convention (including transportation, lodging, and per diem) for the awardee and a companion.

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