Thank you for attending the 2016 NCAMPO Conference hosted by the Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Greensboro! Below is a brief survey regarding the conference program and activities you may have participated in. Please take a moment to respond to the questions honestly based on your experiences. Your feedback is appreciated and is a valuable tool in NCAMPO’s efforts to further improve the conference. We hope to see you again next year!

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with the following NCAMPO Conference components?

  Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A   or   Did Not Attend
Opening Plenary Session
Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Thursday Technical Sessions
Overall Session Topic Options 
Kress Terrace Reception
Keynote Speaker Bennett Pierce
Green Hill Center Reception
Quality of Food and Refreshments at Greensboro Mariott Downtown
Greensboro Marriott Downtown Meeting Spaces
Vendor Area & Opportunity to Interact with Vendors
Online Registration Process
Conference Organization and Management
Bicycle Tours
GTA Facility Tour
Projects Tour
Downtown Greenway Tour

Question Title

* 2. What is one aspect that stood out as your favorite part of this conference?

Question Title

* 3. If you could change one thing for future conferences what would it be and why?

Question Title

* 4. Please add any other comments/suggestions for future conferences: