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Limited Scope Representation

Limited scope representation, unbundled legal services and discrete task representation refer to a method of legal services delivery in which a client hires an attorney to assist with specific elements of the matter. These tasks may include any or all of the following: gathering facts; advising the client; discovering facts of the opposing party; researching the law; drafting correspondence and documents; negotiating; reviewing a particular document; and/or representing the client in court. The client and the attorney agree on the specific tasks to be performed by each. Depending on the nature of the involvement, the attorney may enter an appearance with the court. The client represents himself/herself in all other aspects of the case.

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* 1. Approximately what percentages of your caseload is dedicated to limited scope representation?

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* 2. In what types of cases do you engage in limited scope representation?  Check all that apply.

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* 3. What types of limited scope representation do you provide?

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* 4. Rank these statements from strongly agree to strongly disagree regarding limited scope representation.

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Limited scope representation clients are likely to become full-service clients
Limited scope representation would  not work for my practice
Limited scope representation would expose me to more malpractice claims
Limited scope representation lowers the costs of cases so that more people can afford my services
Limited scope representation allows me to offer legal services at a more competitive price
Limited scope representation lowers receivables and results in fewer noncollectable fees
Limited scope representation provides more engaged clients that are more invested in the outcome than full-service clients
Limited scope representation brings the threat of increased disciplinary complaints
Limited scope representation brings the threat of fewer disciplinary complaints
Limited scope representation produces more satisfied clients than full-service

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* 5. Please check the top three statements that you think would encourage more limited scope representation?

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