
NAT is looking at the support services which people living with HIV may need in addition to their specialised clinical care. We want to make the case for comprehensive, high quality HIV support services across the UK.

Please help us by filling in this survey. We want to know:

• what HIV support services must be available for people living with HIV
• which specific groups of people living with HIV benefit from each service
• about the support services you provide
• what evidence you have that the services you provide are effective
• which support services need to be delivered by an HIV specialist service provider

(For the purposes of this survey, 'support services for people living with HIV' includes the services that are needed by those who are affected by HIV because of their association with someone living with HIV; for example, as a carer or family member of a person living with HIV.)

The survey comprises a series of 'tick-box' questions where you can provide your opinion on these issues and 'free text' questions where you can tell us about the services you provide. We estimate that responding to the tick-box questions should take about 10-15 minutes in total. The length of time taken on the free text questions will depend on how many services you want to tell us about.  For these questions, it may be easiest for you to send us programme descriptions, reports, evaluations or other documentation that relates to your services. This would also allow us to showcase some examples of best practice. PLEASE NOTE that we will not attribute specific evidence or case studies without checking with you first. If you have concerns about data confidentiality please get in touch.
If you decide to send us supplementary documents, please email them to and direct us to the relevant documents in your responses.

Using your evidence and our own research and analysis, we will publish a resource on the case for support services. We also plan later in the year to survey local authorities to get a picture of current national provision. At a time of austerity and pressure on services, your involvement in this work will make a big difference to ensuring these essential services continue to be provided.

Thank you, in advance, for your invaluable collaboration in this research. We would be very grateful if you could respond to this survey by MONDAY 27JULY. If you have any questions about the survey please contact Cheryl Gowar ( or 020 7814 6758).