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Election of our NASW-NJ Board of Directors is a critical part of our organization's health, growth and future. Our Board plays an essential role in providing guidance and strategic direction to the Chapter, and collaborates with the Executive Director and National NASW to ensure the mission of the organization is met.  

Each year, our membership votes on the members who will serve in critical roles on the Board. Your participation in this process is essential. 

This election period, members will vote for the following roles: 
  • President Elect
  • VP of Finance
  • Secretary
  • Central Regional Representative
  • Southern Regional Representative 
  • Undergraduate Student Representative
  • Graduate Student Representative
  • Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (4 positions)
Positions (outside of student roles) are for a period of 2 years. Students serve on the board for 1 year periods.  The President Elect is a 3 year role.

We invite you to learn more about each of the candidates by viewing their online bios and then complete your vote through this online survey.  

Voting will be open through May 30, 2020.   Thank you for taking an active role in shaping the future of NASW-NJ.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your NASW Member Number 

Question Title

* 2. I reside in the following region

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