Invitation to Participate in NASPAA'S Doctoral Student Survey 2018

Dear Doctoral Student/ Recent PhD:

NASPAA's Doctoral Program Committee and Data Committee invite you to participate in this survey of doctoral students/ recent graduates. The goal of this survey is to collect systematic data about doctoral student experience in doctoral programs to assess hardships and challenges of academic and personal nature that the doctoral students face.

The survey does not collect personally identifying information. All data collected will be treated as highly confidential and stored in password protected devices.

Based on your responses, NASPAA will make recommendations to the program leadership about initiatives that would improve doctoral student institutional and social experiences. NASPAA hopes that these recommendations would help its member institutions achieve a higher rate of degree completion by lowering the doctoral student attrition rate. 

This survey will inform NASPAA's PhD Pathways initiative, designed to take a closer look at the processes, practices, policies of the PhD programs in public policy, administration, and affairs of NASPAA-affiliated institutions. 

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You can exit the survey any time you want to without any penalty. We request you to give your consent to participate in this survey by selecting the appropriate option stated below.
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in this survey.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact