Survey 1 of 2 - Submitting your Top 3 Articles

Please submit your favorite 3 Obstetric Medicine Articles published in  2023.  When our articles collection is completed, you will receive a subsequent email and survey link for scoring/ranking the collected articles.

Question Title

A.  Please submit your favorite 3 articles published between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2023.
B.  Try to submit at least one original research article.
C.  Do NOT submit COVID related research.
D.  Plan to complete both Step 1 (articles collection) and Step 2 (articles evaluation)
E.  If you have more than 3 favorite articles, email the additional articles to
F.  Communicate any concerns or questions to

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your demographics here

Question Title

* 3. Article 1 Citation
Remember please do NOT submit COVID related articles.

Question Title

* 4. Article 2 Citation

Question Title

* 5. Article 3 Citation

Question Title

* 6. Thank you for completing Step 1 of TAC23.  We will be contacting you soon with the survey link for completing Step 2.  Please add any comments or concerns here, or email