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Help us gather information to help provide our local lawmakers about how we can help businesses in our local area. This survey will be open until October 31, 2020.

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* 1. Which of the following industries best represents your company?

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* 2. Indicate the size of your business

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* 3. How long has your business been in operation? 

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* 4. If current restrictions continue... How many months of reserve do you have before you would have to close permanently? 

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* 5. What comment about these new mitigations would you like us to share on your behalf with our elected officials?

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* 6. What recommendations do you have to support businesses while protecting the public health of our community that we can share with our elected officials?

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* 7. Do you anticipate any of the following impacts within the coming weeks? Check as many as apply

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* 8. Anything else NACC can do to be Your Resource and help support your business?

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* 9. Other comments

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* 10. What city is your business located in?

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* 11. What county is your business in?

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* 12. Would you characterize the ownership of the business in any of the following ways? (Select all that apply) 

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* 13. Name of your Business (optional)

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* 14. Let us know if we can follow up, add your contact information.

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