Question Title ITS TIME TO HAVE YOUR SAY FSU consultation over a new NAB Agreement was postponed earlier this year, when the all staff ballot was delayed until May. Our member consultation will now occur from Monday 27 April to Thursday 7 May 2020. If you previously registered for one of the March meetings, please check this updated list of meetings and register again for a time and date that suits you. If your workplace FSU Rep is away or you don’t have a Rep, delegate another FSU member to attend this important meeting to ensure your workplace has a say. Question Title * I confirm my attendance for an FSU teleconference meeting. YES! Question Title * Name Question Title * Mobile Question Title * Preferred Email: Please choose only one teleconference from the lists below, in your state, which best suit you and your workplace. Question Title * NSW/ACT Teleconference Meetings: NSW/ACT Business Banking, Tuesday 28th April, 12pm NSW/ACT Regional Retail, Tuesday 28th April, 4:15pm NSW/ACT Fulfillment & Associates, Wednesday 29th April, 12pm North Sydney MLC, Wednesday 29th April, 12pm NSW/ACT Retail, Wednesday 29th April, 4:15pm NAB House George St Sydney, Thursday 30th April, 12pm U-Bank North Sydney, Thursday 30th April, 12pm Question Title * Vic/Tas Teleconference Meetings: Vic/Tas Metro Retail Branches, Monday 27th April 9:15am Vic/Tas Regional Retail Branches, Tuesday 28th April 9:15am Vic/Tas Metro Business Banking, Monday 27th April 9:15am Vic/Tas Regional Business Banking, Monday 27th April 2pm 800 Bourke St Rep’s Meeting, Thursday 30th April 12pm 800 Bourke St, Thursday 30th April 2pm 700 Bourke St, Wednesday 29th April 3pm 500 Bourke St, Wednesday 29th April 3pm Knox Meeting 1, Tuesday 28th April 1pm Knox Meeting 2, Thursday 30th April 1pm Question Title * SA/NT Teleconference Meetings: NT Meeting, Wednesday 29 April, 8:30am SA Meeting One, Wednesday 29 April, 8:30am SA Meeting Two, Thursday 30 April, 4:30pm SA Meeting Three, Monday 4 May, 4:30pm Question Title * WA Teleconference Meetings: WA Meeting One, Tuesday 28th April, 9.00am WA Meeting Two, Tuesday 28th April, 4:30pm WA Meeting Three , Wednesday 29th April, 9.00am WA Meeting Four, Thursday 30th April, 4.30pm Question Title * QLD Teleconference Meetings: QLD Meeting One, Tuesday 28th April, 8.45am QLD Meeting Two, Wednesday 6 May, 8.45am QLD Meeting Three, Tuesday 5 May, 3pm Cannon Hill Fulfilment Centre, Thursday 30 April, 10am QLD Meeting Four, Thursday 30 April at 3pm Submit