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Your Opinion Matters!

Help Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation better understand the community's awareness, and interest in, its mission and the future needs of the community. 

The survey should only take 9 minutes, and your responses stay anonymous. Once you've completed the survey you will have an opportunity to enter our draw for a $75 visa gift card.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email us:

Question Title

* 1. When you think of Langley charities, what organization names come to mind?

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* 2. Of the list of charities you created above, which are the most important to you? (choose up to 4)

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* 3. How familiar are you with Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation?

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* 4. In what ways have you interacted with Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation (LMHF) in the past 5 years? (Choose all that apply)

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* 5. Tell us where you’ve seen the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation brand (logo and/or name) represented. (Choose all that apply)

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