Your JGASGP board periodically updates our database of membership skills and interests.  This allows us to match our members with various activities and projects of our society, including our 2024 hosting  role of the IAJGS conference right here in Philadelphia!  Kindly take a few minutes to answer this brief survey. 
Note: This  is not identical to our 2020 survey, so please be sure to complete this even if you answered our previous survey.
Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. In what languages, (other than English) can you read, write and/or translate?

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* 2. What languages, (in addition to English) can you speak?

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* 3. What is your age range?

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* 4. Experience writing

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* 5. Office software skills (current competency)

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* 6. Have you given any presentations related to Jewish genealogy?  Please specify title and name of organization that sponsored your talk.

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* 7. Whether you have experience or not, would you like to give a presentation at an upcoming JGASGP meeting?  If yes, on what subject?

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* 8. Which desktop publication software or suites are you familiar with?

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* 9. Kindly add this confidential information so we can easily reach  out to you.

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* 10. How likely are you to volunteer in our organization in the future?

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* 11. Are you capable and willing to mentor a new member?

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* 12. Special interests or project proposal related to Jewish Genealogy that you would like us to consider as a society.

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* 13.  Our board is looking to expand its talent.  Are you interested in being considered for a board position??

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* 14. This is your CHANCE!  Any feedback for your board about JGASGP since the start of the pandemic?