Exit Volunteer Attorney/LLLT Sign-up for the VLP Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Email Question Title * 3. Phone Question Title * 4. Please indicate your title from the list below: Attorney LLLT Paralegal Law student Paralegal student Question Title * 5. Area of Practice Question Title * 6. WSBA# Question Title * 7. Please indicate what you are interested in getting involved in.If you would like more information about our programs please email jvc1@spokanebar.org. Status Conference (every Thursday morning on the 3rd floor of the Superior Courthouse) Consumer Assistance Project (every Friday morning at 10 am in District Court) Latinos En Spokane (every 3rd Wednesday of the month) Events/Clinics Community Outreach Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Are you willing to assist with other areas of law if training is provided? Yes No Other (please specify) Done