Employment Application Form Please complete this form to submit your application - note that your application will not be submitted until you click the “Submit” button at the end of this form. We look forward to reviewing your application. Question Title * Personal Information: Full Name Home address City / State Email address Phone number Question Title * Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No Question Title * Are you at least 18 years old? Yes No Question Title * Do you currently have a valid driver's license? Yes No State and License Number Question Title * Have you had a driver's license in any other states? Yes No State and license Number Question Title * Do you have a high school diploma or GED equivalent certificate? Yes No Question Title * What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? Less than high school degree High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED) Some college but no degree Associate degree Bachelor degree Graduate degree Question Title * Which position are you applying for? Booking Specialist (Must be 18 or older) Operations Specialist (Must be 18 or older) Control Room Operator (Must be 18 or older) Deputy Jailer (Must be 21 or older) Part Time Deputy Jailer (Max of 24 hrs/week & must be 21 or older) Maintenance IT Specialist Question Title * How did you hear about this position? County website Job searching website (e.g. LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor) Friend/family/colleague (List name below) Job fair Question Title * Were you referred by a current employee? Yes No If "yes" who referred you? Question Title * Do you have any relatives, by blood or marriage, currently employed by the Campbell County Detention Center or Fiscal Court? Yes No If "yes" name of relative employed Question Title * What days/hours are you available to work? (Open availability preferred) Question Title * Have you ever been employed by the Campbell County Fiscal Court? Yes No Question Title * Military experience: Branch of service Dates of service Final rank Type of discharge Question Title * ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS:Outline briefly any other skills, education, training experience (special courses, work training programs, armed forces training, etc.), spoken languages, honors or special awards that would be beneficial in the position for which you are applying and may be helpful in considering your qualifications. Please include relevant volunteer or other community activities. Question Title * Describe any software programs or special equipment you have experience working with. Question Title * ACTIVITIES:Please list all clubs, organizations, societies in which you have or are currently a member.. Question Title * Disciplinary Action:Convictions will not disqualify you. Each situation is considered using the following criteria: 1) Nature and Gravity of offenses, 2) Time passed since conviction and/or completion of sentence, 3) Nature of job held or sought.Have you ever been party to a civil suit Yes No Question Title * Have you ever been convicted of a Misdemeanor or Traffic violation? Yes No Please describe the nature of the event. Question Title * Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of any other crime? Yes No Please describe the nature of the event or charge. Question Title * Have you even been dismissed or asked to resign or withdraw or placed on suspension or probation from any employer for disciplinary reasons? Yes No Question Title * Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (Please Note: If convicted of a felony, you are automatically disqualified from employment with Campbell County Detention Center) Yes No Question Title * Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If yes, list year filed and bankruptcy chapter. Question Title * Have your wages ever been garnished? Yes No Next