Help Shape the Future of Upcycled Certified®: Standard Revision Feedback

In this form you will find specific topics for your feedback and engagement, in addition to free-form space where you can comment on any component of the current Standard.

Thank you again for taking the time to engage in this process and be a part of the evolution of Upcycled Certified®!

Question Title

* Topic 1: Ineligible Goods
Currently Section 1.2 of the Standard defines goods ineligible for Certification as:
1). Inputs derived from wood and forestry products.
2). Cigarettes, tobacco, vaping, or nicotine products.
3). Controlled substances or similarly restricted ingredients or products according to local, state, federal, or other laws which might supersede this Standard.
4). Goods for sale within countries for which an application for the certification trademark has not yet been submitted.
5). Durable Goods.

Question Title

* Topic 2: Impact Reporting
The central purpose of the Upcycled Certified® Standard is to recognize, validate, and quantify food diverted from waste streams and, instead, retain for human consumption. As such, the focus of compliance has historically been specific to proof of diversion from waste and the annual tonnage of waste captured at that original point of diversion. Additionally, as noted in the Introduction of Version 2 (V2), the intent of the Standard is to continue to enhance the scope of this measurement to achieve a net impact metric for food waste diverted per Certified item.

To achieve this, the requirements for food waste reporting would adjust to include numerical reporting for the annual tonnage of waste captured at the original point of diversion from waste (current numerical reporting required) minus any additional annual tonnage of food waste incurred during the production of the item intended for Certification (currently no numerical reporting on this amount is required).

Question Title

* Topic 3: Livestock and Livestock Products
The Upcycled Certified Standard Version 2 (V2) recognizes livestock feed singularly as a waste stream, as per the Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard Version 1 (V1) published in 2016. However, there is a desire to better understand the possibilities of recognizing instances of intentional diversion of food waste to livestock feed as the highest and best use of that waste, and the subsequent products produced as eligible for Certification. As per the 2023 EPA Wasted Food Scale and research from Environment Climate Change Canada (ECCC), the practice of feeding animals (including insects) food waste is deemed more desirable than destinations like industrial use, composting, landfilling, or incineration (Environment Climate Change Canada (ECCC), 2019; US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2023).

Additionally, food certification claims that are specific to the feedstuffs livestock consume are well established and recognized by consumers today. Examples of these include grass-fed, vegetarian fed, and non-GMO fed claims present on meat, dairy, and various animal-derived products. As such, there are numerous viable models in the marketplace today a feed-based scope could mirror within Upcycled Certified.

There is no doubt that expanding Upcycled Certified to include a livestock feed scope would be extensive. With that in mind, it is most likely that a pilot program would be initiated in 2025 to better understand the risks and opportunities with this expansion, to better inform a future Standard revision.

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* Topic 4: Food Service
The current Standard is not readily available to the food service industry for engagement. There are certainly valid uses of Upcycled Certified items in food service, but a broader scope recognizing upcycling activities at food service locations does not exist.

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* Topic 5: Certified Participants
Please only complete this section if you have been or are currently a Participant in the Upcycled Certified program.

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* Open Comment:
Please provide your feedback and comments on any component of the Standard. If possible, please include the Section of the Standard you are referencing if your comments are specific to a component or compliance element.

To view the current Upcycled Certified Standard for reference, click HERE.