Application Form

Thank you for your interest in an internship with Earth Day Network! Please complete this application to the best of your ability. The final question includes providing a writing sample. You may want to write that in a separate document and paste here. 

Please also send your cover letter and resume to

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* 1. What is your full name?

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* 2. Do you have a name you prefer to be called?

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* 3. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 4. What school do you currently attend?

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* 5. How did you hear about this position? (Specify which job board or website)

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* 6. Will you be using this internship for school credit?

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* 7. What is your availability for this internship?


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* 8. What do you anticipate your weekly schedule to be? (We require a minimum of 20 hours a week, and at least 4 hours per day of attendance) Please check the days of the week you are available.

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* 9. Are you aware this is an unpaid internship and that we do not offer assistance with housing or commuting expenses?

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* 10. Have you emailed your resume and cover letter to