Thank you for your interest in our study.

We are conducting an online blog study that will take place June 5th, 6th, 7th & 9th and we are interested in your opinions. If selected, you would be asked to complete 4 days of activities, which would involve answering questions online and uploading photos and videos on the blogging platform. Upon successful completion you will be compensated $150.

If you are interested in participating, please complete the questionnaire below. If you pre-qualify a recruiter will be in touch with you to ask a few additional qualifying questions.

Thank you

Question Title

* 1. What is you gender?

Question Title

* 2. What is your age?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. What is your employment status?

Question Title

* 4. Can you please indicate in which city have you been living during the past 5 years?

Question Title

* 5. Please select your current living situation

Question Title

* 6. Which best describes your ethnic background?

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following products have you bought in the past 3 months, more than 3 months ago, or you never bought/would never buy

  Bought in the past 3 months Bought more than 3 months ago Have never bought/would never buy
Premium bottle water
Plain still flavored bottle drinks
Juice or Juice drinks
Soft drinks with fruit juice
Flavored non carbonated ("still") bottle water
Ready to drink iced tea
Coconut no dairy beverages
Aloe vera beverages
Infusion drinks
No sparkling energy drinks

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following brands...

  Bought and Consumed in the last 3 months Bought and Consumed in the past Aware of Not Aware of Would Never buy in the future
Hint Water
Capri Sun
Nestlé Pure Life Splash
Private Labels
Acqua Panna
Life WTR
Aqua Hydrate

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following type of device do you have and regularly use?

Question Title

* 10. please indicate me which of the following activities do you do when surfing on internet?

  Everyday At Least 4 times a week 1-2 times a week Rarely  Never
Social network: Facebook – to keep in touch with family and/or friends
Other Social Networks like MySpace/Twitter etc. – to keep in touch with family and/or friends
personal blog
I read blogs / forums – to keep informed
Listen to music (streaming)
See videos
To follow my hobbies

Question Title

* 11. What is your contact info?