Course feedback form Question Title * 1. Please provide your email Question Title * 2. Please select the description below that best matches your role/position Headteacher Deputy or assistant headteacher Subject, department or year leader Teacher Teaching assistant School business manager Premises or facilities staff Administrative or office staff Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What type of school do you work at? Maintained Academy Independent/private I don’t know Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Please select the course you took from the list below Asbestos in schools Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) essentials for school staff Cyber security in schools Data protection for new DPOs Fire safety awareness for school staff Health and safety for teachers and TAs Legionella management in schools Manual handling for school staff Procurement in schools Risk assessment in schools Supporting pupils with medical conditions UK GDPR for school staff Working at height for school staff Question Title * 5. How would you rate the overall quality of this course? Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor Question Title * 6. How relevant was the course content to your role? Very relevant Relevant Neither relevant nor irrelevant Irrelevant Very irrelevant Question Title * 7. How confident do you feel applying what you learnt in this course to your role? Very confident Confident Neither confident nor unconfident Unconfident Very unconfident Question Title * 8. How engaging was the course material? Very engaging Engaging Neither engaging nor unengaging Unengaging Very unengaging Question Title * 9. Which aspect of the course did you find most useful or valuable? Question Title * 10. Do you have any suggestions for improving this course? Question Title * 11. Any other comments or suggestions? Submit