We would like to find out about your community and what you’ll need as you get older to make your community a great place to live. Your views are important and we would greatly appreciate your participation in this survey. All your responses will be kept entirely confidential. This survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a resident of the City of Riverside?

Question Title

* 2. How long have you lived in your community?

Question Title

* 3. How long have you lived in your current residence?

Question Title

* 4. How would you rate your current community as a place for people to live as they age?

Question Title

* 5. Thinking about your future years, are you more likely to move to a different
community, move to a different residence within your current community or stay in yourcurrent residence and never move?

Question Title

* 6. Some people find that they need or want to move out of their home as they get older. If you were to consider moving out of your current residence, would the following be a major factor, a minor factor or not a factor at all in your decision to move?

  Not sure Not a factor Minor factor Major factor
Wanting a smaller size home
Wanting a larger size home
The cost of maintaining your current residence
Wanting a home that will help you live independently as you age, for example a home without stairs

Question Title

* 7. Some people find that they need or want to move out of their community as they get older. If you were to consider moving out of your current community, would the following be a major factor, a minor factor or not a factor at all in your decision to move?

  Not sure Not a factor Minor factor Major factor
Your personal safety or security concerns
Wanting to move to an area that has better health care facilities
Wanting to be closer to family 
Needing more access to public transportation
Wanting to live in a different climate
Wanting to live in an area that has a lower cost of living
Wanting to live in an area with better opportunities for social interaction

Question Title

* 8. How important is it for you to remain in your current community for as long as

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following types of homes best describes where you currently live?

Question Title

* 10. Do you own or rent your primary home or do you have some other type of living arrangement like living with a family member or friend?

Question Title

* 11. How important is it for you to be able to live independently in your own home as you age?

Question Title

* 12. Some people find that they need to make modifications to their residence to enable them to stay there for as long as possible. Does your current residence need any major repairs, modifications, or changes to enable you to stay there for as long as possible?

Question Title

* 13. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Home modification and repair contractors who are trustworthy, do quality work, and are affordable
A home repair service for low-income and older adults that helps with things like roof or window repairs.
Seasonal services such as lawn work for low-income and older adults

Question Title

* 14. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Sidewalks that are in good condition, safe for pedestrians, and accessible for wheelchairs or other assistive mobility devices
Well-lit, accessible, safe streets and intersections for all users
Audio and visual pedestrian crossings
Separate pathways for bicyclists and pedestrians
Well-maintained streets
Easy to read traffic signs
Enforced speed limits

Question Title

* 15. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Well-maintained homes and properties
Affordable housing options for adults of varying income levels such as older active adult communities, assisted living and communities with shared facilities and outdoor spaces
Homes that are built with things like a no step entrance, wider doorways, and first floor bedrooms and bathrooms
Well-maintained, safe low-income housing
Well-maintained parks
Safe parks
Public buildings and spaces including restrooms that are accessible to people of different physical abilities
Enough benches for resting in public areas like parks, along sidewalks, and around public buildings
Conveniently located emergency care centers
Well-maintained hospitals and health care facilities
Neighborhood watch programs
Conveniently located public parking lots and areas to park including handicapped parking
Affordable public parking

Question Title

* 16. How do you usually get around your community for things like shopping, visiting the doctor, running errands, or other things?

  Yes No
Drive yourself
Have others drive you
Take a taxi
Use a ride source company such as Uber or Lyft
Use a special transportation service, such as one for seniors or persons with disabilities
Use public transportation
Ride a bike
Some other way
I do not get out of the house

Question Title

* 17. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Accessible and convenient public transportation
Affordable public transportation
Well-maintained public transportation vehicles
Timely public transportation
Safe public transportation stops or areas that are accessible to people of varying physical abilities
Special transportation services for people with disabilities and older adult

Question Title

* 18. Thinking now about health care professionals in your community, would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Well-trained certified home health care providers
Affordable home health care providers
A variety of health care professionals including specialists
Health care professionals who speak different languages
Respectful and helpful hospital and clinic staff

Question Title

* 19. Thinking about health and wellness services in your community, would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Affordable health and wellness programs and classes in areas such as nutrition, smoking cessation, and weight control
Affordable fitness activities specifically geared towards older adults
Conveniently located health and social services
A service that provides people to help seniors easily find and access health and supportive services
Affordable home care services including personal care and housekeeping
Easily understandable and helpful local hospital or clinic answering services

Question Title

* 20. How often do you have contact with family, friends, or neighbors who do not live with you?

Question Title

* 21. How often do you feel the following

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often
I lack companionship
I feel left out
I feel isolated from others

Question Title

* 22. If you were in trouble, do you have friends or family who can help you at any time of the day or night?

Question Title

* 23. Do you use the following sources for continuing education or self-improvement classes or workshops in your community?

  Yes No
Department of Parks and Recreation
Faith community
Local organizations or businesses
Community center
Senior center
Offerings through my work
Online programs
Some other souce
I do NOT participate in any continuing education/self-improvement classes

Question Title

* 24. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Conveniently located entertainment venues
Activities geared specifically towards older adults
Activities that offer senior discounts
Activities that are affordable to all residents
Activities that involve both younger and older people
A variety of cultural activities for diverse populations
Local schools that involve older adults in events and activities
Continuing education classes or social clubs to pursue new interests, hobbies or passions
Driver education or refresher courses

Question Title

* 25. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
A range of volunteer activities to choose from
Volunteer training opportunities to help people perform better in their volunteer roles
Opportunities for older adults to participate in decision making bodies such as community councils or committees
Easy to find information on available local volunteer opportunities
Transportation to and from volunteer activities for those who need it

Question Title

* 26. Which of the following best describes your current employment status

Question Title

* 27. How likely is it that you will continue to work as long as possible, rather than
choosing to retire and no longer work for pay?

Question Title

* 28. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
A range of flexible job opportunities for older adults
Job training opportunities for older adults who want to learn new job skills within their job or get training in a different field of work
Jobs that are adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities
Policies that ensure older adults can continue to have equal opportunity to work for as long as they want or need to regardless of their age

Question Title

* 29. Would you turn to the following resources if you, a family member or friend
needed information about services for older adults such as caregiving services, home delivered meals, home repair, medical transport, or social activities?

  Yes  No Not sure
Local Senior Centers
Office of Healthy Aging (formerly Dept. of Elderly Affairs)
Family or friends
Local nonprofit organizations
Faith-based organizations like churches or synagogues
Phone book
Your doctor or other healthcare professional
Local government offices like the Health Department
Some other source

Question Title

* 30. Would you rate your community as excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor on
having the following?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Access to community information in one central source
Clearly displayed printed community information with large lettering
Free access to computers and the Internet in public places such as the library, senior centers or government buildings
Community information that is delivered in person to people who may have difficulty or may not be able to leave their home
Community information that is available in a number of different languages

Question Title

* 31. Are you male or female?

Question Title

* 32. What is your age as of your last birthday? (AGE IN YEARS)

Question Title

* 33. What is your current marital status?

Question Title

* 34. Are you or your spouse or partner currently a member of AARP?

Question Title

* 35. Besides you, do you have any of the following people living in your household?

  Yes No
Child/children under 18
Child/children 18 or older
Child/children away at college
Other adult relative or friend 18 or older

Question Title

* 36. In general how would you rate your health?

Question Title

* 37. Does any disability, handicap, or chronic disease keep you or your spouse or partner from participating fully in work, school, housework, or other activities? 

Question Title

* 38. A family caregiver is someone who provides care for an adult loved one who is ill, frail, elderly, or has a physical, mental, or emotional disability. This care may include helping with personal needs like bathing or dressing, meals, household chores, shopping, transportation, managing medical care or finances, or even visiting regularly to see how they are doing. This adult need not live with you.

Are you currently a family caregiver providing unpaid care to an adult loved one to help them take care of themselves?