Post-Consulting Session Survey
Thank you for scheduling your consulting session. Your feedback will help us to improve future meetings.
Overall, how would you rate your consulting services?
Very good
Did the session meet your expectations and/or address your concerns?
Yes, definitely met my expectations and/or addressed my concerns
No, there was not enough time to address my needs and/or concerns
Possibly, but I need to schedule another consulting session
How helpful were the websites and resources shared with you?
Extremely helpful - just what I needed to meet my goals
Helpful - I was familiar with some of the resources, but happy to learn of a few more
Somewhat helpful - I realize that I need additional guidance
Not helpful and I will follow-up with an email to request additional resources
Was there any information that would have been helpful to know before your session?
No, everything was covered during my consulting session or provided in a follow-up email
Yes, I am eager to meet my goals, so I wish I had access to some of the resources prior to my consulting session
Was the session length too long, too short or about right?
Too long
About right
Too short
If there anything else you'd like to share with your consultant or if you need additional guidance to reach your goals, then please send an email to We'd love to hear from you!
Yes, please look for my email with additional compliments
Possibly, so please look for my email with a request for additional sessions
No, everything was covered and I truly enjoyed my session