Membership Education Survey 2025 Question Title * 1. How many webinars did you attend in 2024? None 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 or more Question Title * 2. If you’re unable to attend a live webinar, do you find the recorded sessions valuable? Yes, I often watch the recordings. Sometimes, when I can't attend the live version No, I don't watch the recordings I didn't know the webinars were recorded and available on the website Question Title * 3. What is your preferred length for a webinar less than 30 minutes 30 - 45 minutes 45 - 60 minutes Question Title * 4. What program topics interest you the most? (pick up to five) Economic Update Emotional Intelligence / Self-Awareness Equipment for Product Warehousing Recruitment Assessments / HR / Culture Generational Differences AI, ChatGPT, and Emerging Technologies Lead Generation Productivity Tools / Project Management / Time Management Identifying and Managing KPIs Sales Techniques / Selling Strategies Roundtable Conversations (HR, Finance, Operations, Sales) Leadership / Ethics Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you know someone who can conduct a webinar on one of these topics, please let us know how to contact them. Question Title * 6. Have you attended another webinar recently that you found particularly engaging or insightful? If yes, please share the topic and the facilitator’s name (if known): Question Title * 7. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for how we can improve the educational programs we provide? Finished