• English
  • Español
This is an exciting time at St. Anthony Parish!  We have survived the COVID pandemic.  We have gone from 770 families to over 1,000 families. We are doing more for persons experiencing homelessness and those in need at McAnthony Window and Pantry.  Now is the perfect time for our parish to plan for its future.  We want our plan to reflect the feedback from as many parishioners as possible.  To get us started, please complete this survey (click on link in the upper right hand corner for the survey in Spanish).   We are asking for your anonymous, candid response. Thank you and stay tuned for the next steps in this planning journey!

¡Este es un momento emocionante para la parroquia de San. Antonio! Hemos sobrevivido a la pandemia del COVID-19. Hemos crecido de 770 familias a más de 1,000 familias. Estamos logrando hacer más por las personas sin hogar y los más necesitados a través del servicio de alimentos: McAnthony Window and Pantry (Ventana y Despensa de McAnthony). Ahora es el momento perfecto para que nuestra parroquia planifique su futuro. Queremos que nuestro plan refleje la mayor cantidad posible de comentarios y opiniones de nuestros feligreses. Para comenzar, por favor tome esta encuesta (haga clic en el enlace en la esquina superior derecha para la encuesta en español). Estamos pidiendo su respuesta anónima y sincera. ¡Gracias y esté atento para los próximos pasos de este viaje de planificación!

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* 1. How long have you been a St. Anthony parishioner?

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* 2. Please indicate how frequently you attended weekend Masses prior to the pandemic.

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* 3. What weekend Mass time do you most frequently attend?

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* 4. What are your plans for coming back to Mass?

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* 5. Please indicate your gender

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* 6. Please indicate your age range

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* 7. Please indicate your race/ethnicity

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* 8. Please check one to three areas of parish life at St. Anthony that are most important to you.

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* 9. Please check one to three areas of parish life that are least important to you.

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* 10. For each of the following groups in our parish, please rate how you feel we are doing in meeting their needs.

  Great Good Fair Not at all Don't Know
Children (ages 4 to 12)
Teens (ages 13 to 17)
Young adults (ages 18 to 35)
Senior Adults (age 65 and older)
Single adults
Married couples
Those divorced or separated
Single parents
Those sick or homebound
Those grieving
Those in financial need
Inactive Catholics
New parishioners
Visitors and guests

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* 11. Name the number 1 strength of our parish today.

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* 12. Name a challenge that exists in our parish today that our plan should address.

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* 13. Name an opportunity for our plan to make the most of in the future.

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* 14. Name a concern for our parish's future that our plan should address.

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* 15. What are your one to three top hopes and dreams for St. Anthony to achieve in the next 3 to 5 years?

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* 16. Please add any additional feedback that would benefit our parish planning.